Personal accounts detail the devasting effects of air pollution and the environmental racism, stirring empathy and outrage.
The film ends with a hopeful story of high school students in Baltimore City who mobilize their community to fight against the building of an incinerator and are successful. A final montage of political activism motivates audiences to action.
This film is a collaboration of American University’s Center For Environmental Filmmaking (CEF, AU’s Center for Environmental Policy (CEP) and the American Lung Association (ALA).
"Unbreathable" is a catalyst for engagement and action, and can be adapted for use by a wide range of groups. Outreach includes festivals, health and environmental conferences, virtual webinar events, symposiums, ALA’s new "Stand Up For Clean Air" campaign, and distribution through New Day Films.
The film is being made available to key influencers such the Society of Environmental Journalists, Sierra Club, Eco-America, youth climate activist groups, and others.
Up Next
During this film series, filmmaker Katie Bryden, in collaboration with the indigenous women, document their work to restore their forest and their traditional knowledge for future generations.